46th speech to America
My fellow Americans, distinguished guest, Vice President . I am grateful and encouraged by the peaceful change of power and the opportunity to stand before you today as we stand at the precipice of an old time tradition in our nation, democracy. Our country has been through many seasons over the last few years . We have heard the cry for justice as it crashed along the shore of justice, Beaconing to those who heard it. Our nation as it stands today would be viewed as United in name only by many . The seeds of division have blossomed and wrought a flower of fear and confusion . Despite the seemingly divergent path we Americans walk today, despite our different allegiances we hold as Americans ,in this spring of change, a common ground of decency and a history of formative transformations forge our paths . It unites us as Americans and give us hope for new resolve and a new direction .
Today we embark in the pathway of new leadership but stay consistent to our purpose, forged by the words and wisdom of our forefathers , in the journey towards life liberty and the pursuit of happiness .
The question that stands before us now is will our differences withstand the indomitable assault on unity that is before us? The task to indeed unify this great country is not only at the behest our own citizenry, but that also of the world. For as the United States goes , so goes other nations . If we are hateful and divided, this seed sown on furtile ground will bring forth a harvest of division, fear and chaos across the world.
The inception of this great land was built on a Nobel idea . It’s perpetuity forged in a novel document , the constitution. We challenge and debate, as our liberties allow us , the current and relevant interpretations of that which was writen in the nascent times of our country;however, we do abide by it . There are many values there we desire as human beings, but the one being paramount to the success of this social experiment known as humanity is security . We find security in the brave men and women who protect our borders here and those abroad who act as the arbiters of democracy . We find security in our laws that protect self interest and private property . There is solace to be found in the knowledge that this foundational document serves to protect the interest and inhabitants of this country . From it we build create , debate and protect . Despite the greatness of its content , it can never erase the less nobel history of a nation which built this constitution on the backs of slavery. Today, the ugly head of division and prejudice tries to still , corrupt freedom; limiting and denying black bodies of an equal access to dignity and respect. Today we proclaim that America is America to all . It is democracy for all . It is equality for all. A black body is an American body , a white body is an American body , a brown body is an American body . A law that doesn’t protect all Americans who inhabit this great county is no law at all.
My fellow Americans , today we are at the crossroads of conscience . Will we as a people decide to fall short of the gift of peace ,offered to those who endure the uncomfortable yet honorable path of virtue and dignity? Will we as a people fall to the short term pleasure and utility of divisiveness ? Our grandchildren want to know. Europe wants to know. Africa wants to know. Asia wants to know . The next generation wants to know . Now you might not agree with my politics , but we must agree on the process of peace . Together , destiny and responsibility call us to fulfill the purpose of America: to be a beacon of hope and example of an all-inclusive democracy . One that works for all of America. For all dreams for all posterity .
My God bless you and may God bless America.
-PPRL Media