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We are a voice. One that echos and spans throughout the history of America. The stories, thoughts , battles and victories collectively create a ballad. A long song that reaches from our first steps on American soil , to our last one out of the oval office. The chorus sings of victory to come and of a new world for those whose skin plays mirror with the night. This voice speaks of the travails on our journey to equality as the song of the negro is filled with terrors and collective sorrow. However tragic, we have overcome. Today, the song continues. Voices are loud and some are mute. Some sit in a conservative octave , while others belt a out a harmony in the liberal octave. Despite the dichotomy, there is still a united song we sing: A collective dream we seek . We represent nor subscribe to ideologies of the red or blue state, but rather seek our own independent thought . Purple. May our voice never be silenced. May it evolve. May it bring prosperity. May it bring wealth .And may it ultimately reveal to us the justice that MLK spoke of. One that is not conservative nor liberal , but one that is true; An amalgamation of all the beauty the black mind represents.

Attain , Advance , Together.
